December 27, 2009, 6:59pm
Original Story: http://mb.com.ph/articles/235955/gibo-leads-mb-facebook-surveys-presidential-bets
Lakas-Kampi-CMD standard bearer Gilberto "Gibo" Teodoro Jr. is leading in an on-going Manila Bulletin on-line survey for presidential candidates in next year’s election, garnering 45 percent of the 57,000 votes over rival bet Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III of the Liberal Party.
At the same time, the latest results of the Facebook application "Election 2010" survey showed Teodoro having a sizeable lead over Sen. Richard Gordon having 47.44 percent and 22.01 percent of the total votes cast as of Sunday, respectively. Aquino is in third position with 16.18 percent in the Facebook election survey.
The on-line survey focused primarily on the perceived ability of the presidential candidates to run the country if successful in the May, 2010, elections. The poll asked: "Which presidential candidate for the May, 2010, elections is most capable of handling the duties as the Philippines' next leader?"
As of noontime Sunday, the latest data from the ongoing online poll in the Manila Bulletin website (http://www.mb.com.ph/home) showed the 1989 Bar topnotcher and Harvard-trained Teodoro with a strong lead of 25,814 votes or 45 percent of the 57,578 votes cast by those who took part in the on-line poll.
Teodoro was trailed by Sen. Noynoy Aquino with 39 percent (22,191 votes), Sen. Manny Villar, 10 percent (5,821 votes), Bro. Eddie Villanueva, 3 percent (1,869 votes), and former President Joseph Estrada, 3 percent, (1,635 votes).
Sarangani Governor and Lakas-Kampi-CMD National President Miguel Rene Dominguez, commenting on Teodoro’s huge lead in the Manila Bulletin on-line survey, said many people are beginning to see in Teodoro the kind of decisive leadership and intelligence they believe the next Philippine president should possess in the face of great challenges.
Teodoro’s camp expressed belief that the former defense chief was a top choice among the presidential bets of the “thinking class” who are mostly computer literate that use the Internet frequently.
In the Philippines, Internet users number around 15 to 20 million, accounting for 28 percent of some 35 million of the urban population, and about 70 percent of them are between the ages of 10 to 29 year old. Most (71 percent) of users access the Internet from Internet cafes, more than 51 percent have visited a social networking site such as Facebook.
Dominguez cited Teodoro’s decisiveness in expelling from the ruling party the Ampatuans, the alleged masterminds in the Nov. 23 massacre in Maguindanao of 57 people; his efficient handling of relief and rescue efforts during the “Ondoy” and “Pepeng” calamities; and his academic accomplishments that include topping the Bar, passing the New York Bar in 1997 and training at the prestigious Harvard University and becoming a licensed commercial pilot.
The latest Facebook survey results as of Sunday noon showed Teodoro firming up his lead over Sen. Richard Gordon and Sen. Aquino. “Round #7” of the Election 2010 (http://apps.facebook.com/election_twenty_ten/ballot.php?_fb_q=1) showed Teodoro in first place with 47.44 percent, followed by Gordon at 22.01 percent and Aquino at 16.18 percent.
Evangelist Bro. Eddie Villanueva took fourth (8.84 percent), Sen. Manny Villar, fifth (4.12 percent), Nicanor Perlas, sixth (1.01 percent) and former President Joseph Estrada, seventh (0.40 percent).
“We are not surprised by the outcome of this poll, because we have always known that the youth who are looking for change in this election can spot those who can be the agents of change,” Dominguez said.
“We have known all along that only our candidate Gibo has the brilliance, the clean track record and the vision to bring progress to this country. We are happy that the young, smart and computer savvy netizens see in Gibo the leader that the country desperately needs,” the Lakas-Kampi-CMD official said.
Zambales First District Rep. Milagros Magsaysay, campaign spokesperson for Teodoro, said the latest results of the Facebook’s simulated election only showed that majority of youth voters who flocked to the social networking site picked the Lakas-Kampi standard bearer over his strong rivals Aquino and Villar.
Original Story: http://mb.com.ph/articles/235955/gibo-leads-mb-facebook-surveys-presidential-bets
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