First Posted 16:15:00 10/28/2009
Filed Under: Eleksyon 2010, Politics, Inquirer Politics

“I really can’t say that, but it’s not impossible,” Teodoro said when asked if an alliance between the two parties could be formed following the resignation from the NPC of Senator Francis Escudero, who was being eyed as the NPC’s standard-bearer.
Teodoro, chosen by the Lakas-Kampi CMD as its “preferred” standard bearer, added that cross-party negotiations were happening and alliances could be formed even at the last minute.
“I mean, all parties talk to each other so I suppose that at some level that happens,” Teodoro said, even as he clarified he was not party to any of the talks.
“You know, right now it’s too early to tell. It’s still very fluid. I mean, this alignments, realignments, alignments is still very, very possible,” Teodoro said.
Teodoro said he has no personal communication with Escudero and that he was not aware of any talk in Lakas-Kampi CMD to get the senator as his vice-president. He said it would be up to the administration party to decide if Escudero could be invited as his running-mate.
The Lakas-Kampi party has yet to name its vice-presidential candidate following the withdrawal of Interior and Local Government Secretary Reynaldo Puno from the race.
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