Tuesday, November 17, 2009

7 of 10 RP voters say media most influential in polls


Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Among key Philippine social institutions, it is still the media that has the most influence on how people will vote in the upcoming elections, according to the most recent Pulse Asia survey.

This was revealed by Pulse Asia Chairman Felipe Miranda during an interview on Tuesday with broadcaster Ted Failon over radio station DZMM.

Miranda said out of every 10 respondents, 7 said their candidate preference is largely influenced by the media.

“That is tremendous [influence],” Miranda said, noting that altogether, other possible sources of suggestions on whom to vote for, such as the church, friends, family, organizations and others only influence about 25 percent of voters. “The other 70 percent is (influenced by) media.”

Pulse Asia conducted its latest Ulat ng Bayan survey on October 22 to 30. (Read: Aquino leads by 'big margin' in Pulse Asia survey)
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Miranda said among the different types of media, survey results showed that the most influential is television, with radio being a far second.

This is despite data showing that more Filipino families (about 83 percent) own radio sets compared to television sets (owned by about 71 percent of households).

The survey also indicated the influence of political ads. When DZMM commentator Ted Failon inquired on whether it is the way news organizations cover election stories that affect choices, Miranda said that it is not news reportage that people remember when they talk about media influence.

Though reportage also influence choices, people recalled ads more, Miranda said.

“That is also part of it. But if you look at the number of people who say that they saw this advertisement compared to people who heard a particular program, more people see a particular advertisement while those who see a particular program is limited.” (abs-cbnNEWS.com/ Newsbreak)

Source: http://newsbreak.com.ph/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7102&Itemid=88889051

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