Saturday, November 21, 2009

CBCP to release guidelines for voters

By Evelyn Macairan (The Philippine Star)
Updated November 22, 2009 12:00 AM

MANILA, Philippines - The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) will release guidelines for voters, stressing their position on family and life issues.

Fr. Melvin Castro, executive secretary of CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Family and Life (ECFL), told CBCPNews that family and life would be one of the main issues to be considered in crafting the guidelines.

“We believe it is necessary for our voters to be guided by the Church through the Commission on Family and Life,” Castro said.

Castro said they would launch the guidelines at the national gathering of their director and lay coordinators on Nov. 30 at the St. Michael Retreat House in Antipolo City.

This year’s national conference is appropriately themed “The Family Serving the Church and Society.”

Antipolo Bishop Gabriel Reyes is set to lead the opening liturgy.

The CBCP will also issue guidelines on the qualifications of candidates that voters should look for and consider when electing public officials in next year’s polls.

The guidelines aim to ensure that voters, especially the youth, will choose the right candidates to lead the nation.

The CBCP has been reiterating that it would not endorse any particular candidate but would cite the qualifications that the country’s future leaders should possess.


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