Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gibo vows Palace shake-up (No Senate slate yet for Lakas-Kampi)

November 19, 2009, 6:17pm

In a show of force, almost 3,000 members of the ruling Lakas-Kampi-CMD from across the country Thursday flocked to the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City to formally nominate former Defense Secretary Gilbert “Gibo” Teodoro Jr. and former Optical Media Board (OMB) chairman Edu Manzano as presidential and vice presidential candidates, respectively, for the May elections.

In his acceptance speech, Teodoro vowed to “shake up MalacaƱang” and said he is prepared to continue what the Arroyo administration has started.

“Abangan ninyo sa Mayo 10, 2010, ang mananalo ay si Gibo Teodoro at Edu Manzano,” Teodoro said amid loud applause.

Teodoro said he will continue to “serve the people in the context of a peaceful Filipino society built on the rule of law that enables every citizen to pursue his dreams and renders to each citizen what is his due.”

“Justice is the cornerstone of a progressive society and the state shall pursue a rights-based development. Sustainable development can only commence and only continue unless it is based on the rights of citizens and the dignity of persons,” he added.

President Arroyo, the party’s titular head, led the members, mostly incumbent national and local officials, in the national convention that served as a preview of how the administration will run a well-oiled election campaign aimed at putting its presidential and vice-presidential nominees of the party to victory for next year’s elections.

“Let us get them elected.”

President Arroyo issued the call to the loyal army of the Lakas-Kampi-CMD after the formal proclamation of Teodoro for president and Manzano for vice president.

All regional chairmen, representing a total of 11,618 elected officials nationwide, pledged support for the Teodoro-Mazano tandem and assured that the administration party remains a force to reckon with.

During the two-hour spectacle, the party approved four National Council resolutions, including two resolutions nominating Teodoro and Manzano as official presidential and vice presidential candidates.

It also approved the resolution ratifying the new charter and by-laws of the merged Kabalikat ng Malayang Pilipino (Kampi) and Lakas-Christian Muslim Democrats and the resolution naming the new set of officials of the party.

Teodoro was named the new national chairman, replacing President Arroyo, who is now the president emeritus. The new vice-chairmen were Manzano and Misamis Oriental Gov. Oscar Moreno.

The party also proclaimed Saranggani Gov. Miguel Dominguez as its new president and Francis Xavier Manglapus, son of former foreign affairs secretary Raul Manglapus, as secretary-general.

Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita, former party president, was designated as chairman of the National Advisory Board, which would have Speaker Prospero Nograles, Interior and Local Government Secretary Ronaldo Puno and Presidential Adviser on Political Affairs Gabriel Claudio as members.

The ruling party, however, has not yet announced its line-up of senatorial candidates.

Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs Gabriel Claudio said Lakas-Kampi-CMD party is still finalizing the list of the senatoriables who will run under the administration banner.

He said they targeted to release the final list on Tuesday, November 24.

Teodoro, a Harvard-educated and bar topnotcher, said he will make sure that poor families will have direct share of the annual income to ensure that their children complete basic education and access to tertiary education.

Under his watch, Teodoro said indigent families will be automatically and universally covered by state health insurance and shall pay no excess fees for their healthcare and hospitalization.

He said he will also work for the development of a social market economy and pursue economic growth by empowering the people.

“We shall educate more citizens to become entrepreneurs so that their enterprises shall provide the engine for productivity in our economy. We shall enable small business access to capital and credit so that profitable enterprises may provide opportunities for livelihood for the population,” Teodoro said.

During the latter part of his speech, Teodoro appeared teary-eyed as he thanked his family, especially his wife, Tarlac Rep. Monica Louisse “Nikki” Teodoro, for the love and support.

Next to God, Teodoro thanked President Arroyo for giving him the opportunity to serve the public on a national level by appointing him as secretary of the Department of National Defense in 2007.

Meanwhile, Manzano took a swipe at his detractors in his speech accepting the vice-presidential nomination.

Manzano, a movie actor and TV host, said he was aware that many have raised their eyebrows after he announced that he had accepted the invitation to be Teodoro’s running-mate.

“In questioning my qualifications for the vice presidency simply because of one of my professions, my detractors virtually made a wholesale condemnation of those in the entertainment industry as being unfit and incapable of providing competent leadership to our people,” Manzano said.

“What they probably do not realize is that in effect, they also question the intellectual capacity of everyday Filipinos to decide who their leaders should be,” he added. (With reports from Genalyn Kabiling, Charissa M. Luci, and Mitch Arceo)


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