January 9, 2010, 6:33pm
Original Story: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/237712/4-presidential-bets-bare-platforms
Four of the eight candidates gunning for the presidency in the elections on May 10 this year again highlighted their platforms of government along with other issues confronting during a forum which was attended mostly by personalities belonging to the elite social class of Ayala Alabang Village in Muntinlupa City and its neighboring areas.
Organized by the Ayala Alabang Village Association, Saint James Parish Pastoral Council and Barangay Alabang, the “Kilalanin” presidential forum took on the center stage of the Center of Performing Arts (Sylvia P. Lina) auditorium of De La Salle Zobel school presidential aspirants Senators Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III of the Liberal Party, Manuel “Manny” Villar of the Nacionalista Party, and Richard “Dick” Gordon of Bagumbayan; and former defense secretary Gilberto “Gibo” Teodoro Jr. to drum beat their plans for the next six years if elected as president.
Hosted by Mike Enriquez of GMA-7 and radio station DZBB, questions on pressing issues on the country’s economic state, peace and order problems among others were hurled on the four candidates amid cheering from their supporters clad in their respective official party campaign color — yellow for Noynoy, green for Gibo, white for Gordon, and orange for Villar.
Enriquez took the first shot by asking the 49-year-old Aquino on whether he will or will not allow his sister, showbiz personality Kris Aquino, to meddle in government affairs if the event that he gets elected as the country’s 15th president. He quickly replied: “No!”
Citing his experience when his mother, then President Corazon Aquino, was still the country's chief executive, Noynoy remembered that all his sisters — particularly Balsy and Pinky — lived a private life and avoided being entangled with government affairs.
While admitting that Kris gave him media connections being a popular showbiz personality, Noynoy thinks that his youngest sister would go back to her own life after helping him in the campaign.
Teodoro, on the other hand, said that his association with President Arroyo being the administration party’s bet will be limited to the “positive aspect” of his governance. The 45-year-old former defense chief said that the issue of “utang na loob” or gratitude to Mrs. Arroyo will not reach the extent of allowing to be enslaved by her or any politician with ill motives.
On another showbiz issue, Gibo also defended his running mate, popular TV host Edu Manzano, from criticisms on his bid to seek the vice presidency. Gibo said that his fellow La Sallian — who served as Makati vice mayor before he was appointed by Mrs. Arroyo as chief of the Optical Media Board — was being pushed by many groups to run in the senatorial race before he finally decided to be his running mate.
“You will definitely change your impression about Edu once you have listened to him on his platform of government,” Teodoro pointed out.
Villar justified his huge expenses on media exposures, advertisements and infomercials from a resident who asked him if he would try to earn them back when he becomes president.
“It is just like someone who spends so much to buy an expensive yatch. I am spending so that I will make my dream to become a president a reality,” the NP standard bearer stressed.
“My spending is a move to level the playing field because I am not a son of former president and a sister of a popular showbiz personality,” he added.
He also said that his managerial expertise that became instrumental in making him one of the country’s most successful businessmen and politician will enable him to govern the country to achieve economic prosperity.
When asked why he still chose Senator Loren Legarda as his running mate despite the fact that she was among those who pursued his ouster as Senate president at the height of the C-5 road extension project controversy, Villar said: “She is a staunch advocate of environment protection.”
“And besides, it is normal among us senators to engage in debates and figure in political squabbles because it is part of our job as legislators,” he added.
There were also queries if the four "presidentiables" will divest themselves of their business interests once elected president and will also not enrich themselves while in Malacañang.
Despite his poor survey rating performance, Gordon surprised the crowd with his witty response to political issues. Gordon, now chairman of the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC), even suggested that surveys should be done by gathering all the achievements of all the candidates, putting them on walls but without their names on it. And from there, letting the public choose their preferred presidential candidate.
“Let us forget about the election if we'll base everything on survey,” the former chairman of the Subic Free Port complex said.
Gordon was also heavily applauded by the crowd when he declared that he will be an “education president” by putting the teachers’ welfare in his priority list to upgrade the country’s education program.
Original Story: http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/237712/4-presidential-bets-bare-platforms
Nicanor Perlas will soon be part of the group for president and am sure we will see a better future for our country which is based on what we can do together and not only what the president can do.