January 15, 2010, 5:26pm
Original Story: http://mb.com.ph/node/238700/admin-upbeat-teodoro
The administration is still upbeat its standard bearer Gilbert Teodoro would "peak" on Election Day and beat his nine rivals in the race despite his dismal performance in recent opinion polls, a Palace official said Friday.
Presidential political adviser Prospero Pichay Jr. said Teodoro has increasing chances of victory due to a “disunited opposition” and the support of well-oiled political machinery by the Lakas-Kampi-CMD party.
The ruling party also plans to convince the undecided segment of the electorate to boost Teodoro's prospects in the May presidential polls, according to Pichay.
"You have to peak on the day of the elections. Others are peaking even now but the elections is still on May. I can see we will peak on May and the others will not be peaking on May," he told reporters in the Palace.
"If you peak as early as now, the tendency is for you to go down. We dont want to peak right now. We want to peak on the day of elections because that's the survey that matters," he said.
Pichay also welcomed the addition of two more presidential candidates to make the elections “more interesting” and let the electorate choose a deserving leader.
More presidential candidates would also augur well for the candidacy of Teodoro because the ruling party has "a built-in 25 percent support" as shown in past elections, Pichay said.
The ruling party, he added, has also fielded 95 percent of local posts in the upcoming elections that could help boost Teodoro's candidacy by the start of the campaign period this March.
“It will be a battle of TV ads, radio ads, newsprint ads and of course machinery. It will be an interesting elections especially so we are having the first automated polls in the country,” he said.
Pichay admitted that public awareness of Teodoro is low compared to his rivals who previously ran for national positions.
Original Story: http://mb.com.ph/node/238700/admin-upbeat-teodoro
Teodoro will peak at 6% lol